- Graduations: It feels as happy of an occasion as a wedding. There is so much hope and promise for the future in the air.
- The blistering crispy-on-the-outside chewy-on-the-inside crust of a pizza Margarita at Pizzeria Delfina
- Feeling at peace in the face of uncertainty
- My new boots ;)
- Crossing things off my Things To Do list.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Things I like today
Friday, May 29, 2009
Daily Bread

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Goal Oriented
Friday, May 1, 2009
You can help kids too!
Dear friends,
At 6am this morning I sat in my car waiting for *Jason (name has been changed). With a hooded sweatshirt over his head and a backpack on his shoulder he looked like most teenagers on his way to school. This morning was a little different though. Before he goes to school we are going downtown to sell Krispy Kremes to raise money for him to go to camp.
On the way to pick up the doughnuts we talk about school, his neighborhood and his family. Jason lives with his mother and his brother. His dad is a drug addict and they don’t see him often. Jason is quick to say that he’s a good dad mainly, except when he’s under the influence. There is no bitterness or hate in his voice, just an understanding that life can get messy.
He knows messy. He tells me about the stabbings and homicides that have happened over the past year at the end of his block. He goes on to say how it’s not as bad as some places near where his mom works. He and his brother can’t visit their mom at work because one block down there is a gang that messes with them every time they come by. His mom works as a waitress as she raises the two boys alone. I ask Jason how he ended up being such a good kid and he gives credit to his mom, “Let’s just say she’s the boss.”
By the time we get to the store he tells me how he is going to take the SAT this Saturday. It’s a preliminary test so he can see if he needs to buy the book for the real deal. He’s a smart kid who tells me he wants to become a firefighter. It’s good pay, affords you time to have a personal life and you get to help people at the same time.
Jason is such a sweet kid I can’t help but look at him in awe. Despite his neighborhood, his mom has done everything she can to give him a better life. There is so much hope and promise in his eyes I want to cheer him on in the movie of his life.
Today he’ll raise $100 toward camp, but he has $400 left to go. Would you please consider sponsoring Jason and a few other kids like him to go to camp this summer? Young Life camp is a week where they can enjoy being in a safe environment, let themselves just be kids again, and most importantly hear about a God that loves them so much he’s willing to trade His life for theirs. It’s a message that can transform the lives of kids like Jason.
It takes $550 to send a kid to 7 days of Young Life camp. Would you please pray and consider sponsoring a kid for one of those days? They are working hard to raise their own money toward camp, but would greatly appreciate any donations from friends like you. Please send your tax deductible gifts payable to “Young Life” to 505 A St. # 7 Daly City, CA 94014.
Thank you for your support! OneLove, Joyce del Rosario
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Cool Job Opp
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Smack down
You know how when you're shopping at a store, minding your own business, maybe wondering which shampoo will really give you more volume, you come across a sound so startling you almost drop that shampoo bottle? It's the "I Wanna" kid. The "I Wanna" kid has somehow fixated on something in the store and has decided that their life is not worth living without it. Maybe they missed their nap or they're hungry, but for whatever reason I Wanna is on a mission and is determined to make it happen.
- Trader Joe's gnocchi and gorgonzola
- Sparkling Pomegranate juice
- tart frozen yogurt with fresh strawberries and dark chocolate chips
- same as above, but blended into a smoothie
- the 3 year old at TJ's pushing a little shopping cart, heading to the back of the store saying over and over to his dad, "I need a sample. I need a sample. I need a sample"
- Drumstick ice cream
- the "Lose It" app on my IPhone.
- The fact that I saw men have to wait in line for the bathroom at Dolores Park